Are you full of question marks when it comes to conveying your message? You are in the right place. Is PowerPoint a swearword to you? You are in the right place. Giving a presentation gives you butterflies in your stomach? Search no more
A storytelling, a design és az előadástechnika tanulható, nem pedig veleszületett képesség. A mondanivalódat, a diáidat és a magabiztosságodat lépésről lépésre építjük, olyan eszközöket adva a kezedbe, amivel hatásosabban, hitelesebben és önazonosan tudod átadni az üzeneted. Fejleszd magad a kanapéról online kurzusunkkal!
We have already had hundreds of participants in our e-learning courses who asked some really good questions. Check whether your question has already been asked! If not, drop us a line.
No. You watch the module of the week online. Once a week you meet Orsi on Zoom for an hour who gives you additional information and you can ask any questions. You also get access to a closed Facebook group where we stay active and reflect on what we watched.
To anyone who would like to get across a message easily and flawlessly. From the energy sector to telecommunications, from production to media agencies, from financial services to public administration we have worked in all sectors. We have trained presenters including everyone from trainees to CEOs, startup founders to entrepreneurs, from TEDx presenters to Harvard professors.
No, anyone can set out to do it.
Sure. We teach you a unique approach, process and toolbox. We can promise this: you will never look at presentations the same again.
We record all live Zoom meetings and make them available on the e-learning site for as long as your e-learning access is active (a year from the beginning of the course).
No. We open registration twice a year – the next one starting in September. You can pre-register here to get a reminder ahead of time. If you don’t want to wait until then, we are more than happy to organize training for your company – or ask for a personal speaker coaching!
We go through the material in 5 weeks, but you have a whole year to process them. Based on our experience it takes about 1,5-2 hours a week to complete the online course while the Zoom meetings last for 1 hour.
You have access for a year. You can stay in the closed Facebook group forever – or as long as you like.
Online, with a credit card.
You get access to the e-learning material through email. Live online lessons are on Zoom. You can also join the closed Facebook group.